from reality of depression can become severe. kit lead the psychosis but post partum. if anybody has a previous disorder of bipolar, they may be at risk. about visit% have no history of their own. so it is something that come on very suddenly. in my experience, having worked in a psychiatric hospital for 20 years, they are some of the wildest, most difficult to treat psychotic patients. and i was reading about it. one of the thing that caught my attention, a sense of bewilderment among these people. when they're in the state, they can't make sense of things. you get a essential of how biological it is. >> how tragic the ending to this story is. now, i know it is so hard to say. obviously with the schizophrenia and the bipolar disorders which we're hearing reports, also were diagnosed. >> no. i think those medications are used for all kinds of psychotic illness, amongst them,