well. it opens a cavern and you get the hole. >> just incredible that people -- you just don't know. mar the u.tin savage, thank you. still to come, another politician finds himself the butt of a joke. emphasis purposeful, people. we'll show you the best political gaffes of all time, led by this one today. plus, an american court has forced a couple to change their baby's name. this is not a joke. this happened in the united states of america, right now. good move or judicial overreach? wait until you hear the name. and our tonight's shout-out. one incredible catch. the travis roy foundation wiffle ball tournament was this weekend and connor fleming made a catch you will never forget. his diving catch not only robbed a home run, it ended the game with this team winning. if the stadium looks familiar, it is because it is a miniature version of boston's fenway park, but this is in essex, vermont. our shout-out doesn't only go to connor for his catch, but the

Related Keywords

People ,Politician ,Joke ,Whole ,Cavern ,Butt ,Tin Savage ,Dont Know ,Name ,Court ,Baby ,Americans ,Move ,Couple ,Overreach ,Emphasis Purposeful ,Gaffes ,One ,Game ,Diving Catch ,Connor Fleming ,Team Winning ,Shout Out ,Home Run ,Travis Roy Foundation Wiffle Ball Tournament ,South Boston ,Version ,Shout Out Doesn T ,Catch ,Stadium ,Fenway Park ,Essex ,Vermont ,

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