>> he did good. let's think about what we heard. we heard tracy martin say that he backed away, we heard detective serino back away. what he said under his breath is tracy martin murmured something and he interpreted that as a no. the fact that he said he interpreted it makes it clear it was somewhat unclear. but also, serino said singleton was not there. so there's issues there in terms of what he said. we must remember he heard a series of 911 calls and at the end he heard a gunshot that took his son's life. so in terms of whose voice it was, that wasn't his focus. his focus was on that gunshot and that gunshot is the climax of that tape. not the voice that you hear. >> mark o'mara says he's convinced the state has not proved their case beyond a reasonable doubt of second degree murder. are you convinced the state has proved second degree murder beyond a reasonable doubt? >> i think they either have it or are very close. i think that's why the law

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Something ,Tracy Martin ,Breath ,Detective Serino ,No ,Tracy Martin Say ,Fact ,Terms ,Issues ,Serino ,Said Singleton ,Son ,Gunshot ,Life ,Voice ,Calls ,Climax ,Focus ,Series ,The End ,Tape ,Wasnt His Focus ,911 ,Case ,Marko Mara ,Degree Murder ,Estate ,Beyonda Reasonable Doubt ,Law ,Doubt ,

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