alarmeded and worried about the philosophy behind their arguments. >> and i understand what you're saying. i get the logic of that. but, you know, you've said in the past that you would have convicted al awlaki of treason, and you wouldn't have been against a drone strike against him. how can you be all right with al awlaki killed in yemen by a drone, and not be okay with him being killed by a drone here if he's an enemy combatant plotting against america in america. >> i think, in america, we have a doctrine of lethal force if you're using lethal force. a person named awlaki has a grenade launcher on his shoulder, they can be wiped out with lethal force by the police, by the fbi. if you're robbing a liquor store -- >> so the issue is the drone? you don't mind killing him, it's the drone? >> no, it has nothing to do with that. you can use lethal force when somebody is committing lethal force. but what we're doing with our targeted drone attacks is we're