anchovies swam right by them. >> i had no idea that there was a humpback whale behind them chasing them. seconds later i pulled my head up out of the water because i heard some yelling. i made' beeline to the back of the boat. >> i think they're pretty intelligent creatures. i think they avoid us for sure. >> wow. >> note to self, when scuba diving, avoid anchovies because you could be lunch. >> a school of terrified anchovies means there's a whale chasing them. both expect to get back in the water despite the challenge with an enormous whale. he said he thinks they actually avoids the divers. >> i think so, too. a man who nose many things about whales and fish and the like, let's take a look at what's coming up on "new day" with -- >> chris cuomo, kate bolduan. >> hi, kate. >> my first comment of the morning is the whales were not