trulia reports that nationwide, home prices are climbing at a faster rate in cities than suburbs. >> i was reading, though, we're reaching the tipping point where renting may make more sense than buying. >> in some places, yes, but rents in general have been going up, too, and that's something that especially young renters who don't want to be homeowners are frustrated because the rents are paying much faster than paychecks. >> i'm waiting on what could be six months, nine months, or longer. >> brand new allegations against the va. a doctor telling cnn that recent war vets coming home injured are forced to wait months for care. three senior officials are being called before congress today. we have to do better for our veterans. who will step up through them? on the ground. the u.s. sending 80 troops into west africa to help find those hundreds of missing nigerian girls. who are being sent and what is