travel with thousands of flights canceled. today the storm system pushes to the northeast. let's get to meteorologist karen mcginnis. karen, is this getting worse before it gets better this weekend? what do we expect? >> it looks like, christine, it's going to be shifting. those areas so deeply impacted from texas into the tennessee valley, they start to ease up a little bit. i do mean ease up. it's not going to be a sudden return to really beautiful conditions but it is going to be the northeast, new england. portions of the great lakes that would really start to suffer. what you're looking at, those images, those were shot by a drone erator. that was matt lance. he took out the drone showing the beautiful images coming to the west of the fort worth area. on the ground it's terrible. road conditions were bad, three to five inches of snow and a little bit of ice. let's show you what happened near the st. louis area. interstate 70. there were three tractor