then president elect biden was set to give a speech in delaware on the economy, until the images started flashing on tv screens across the country. images that changed the course of history and the trajectory of biden's presidency before he began. today he will speak from statuary hall which rioters overran a year ago. laura, it's so interesting. because when you talk about an anniversary, it's something that happened in the past. if you look at the front page of america's newspapers today, this is an ongoing threat to american democracy. the daily news in new york calls it america's open wound. this is something that is still happening to us, that is still happening to what is the freest and fairest democracy on the planet. >> because there hasn't been a reckoning. the lies continue to be perpetuated. let's bring in security analyst juliet who can make sense of it a year later. nice to see you this morning. from a security posture, something you're an expert in, it seems impossible for