school has been tough for so many reasons, and so many kids have been left behind over the past couple of years because it's so hard to shift back and forth. and it's hard to be in class remotely when you're in third grade and have to stare at a screen all day. >> i know. >> what's really tricky is we also know there's a chance teachers and staff are going to have to be out the next few weeks because of how transmissible omicron is. maybe not in school, but because of how we live our lives. i think it's important to get kids in school as much as possible for education, and socioeconomic consequence. for us as parents having to take care of them while they're out. we need to have a back up plan, contingency plan in case schools shutdown. >> the president said there is all the money for ventilation, masking in schools. we have these tools. let's remember, try to use them and get our kids back in the classroom. it's just -- all of this is so disruptive. okay, dr. ali raja, harvard medical school.