both of those two things scare me, but i guess that's where we are right now. i want to talk about some good news, though. data on covid and pregnancy suggesting women who were vaccinated while they were pregnant were at no greater risk of delivering pre-term, and also women who did end up getting covid while pregnant, the babies that were born seem to have no more neurological delays than any other infant. doctor, that seems like good news on both fronts. >> it's really great news, laura. here's the thing. my sister-in-law is pregnant. she's going to be really reassured. because we know other viruses, seek zika to rubella can lead to neurological problems. they didn't find whether or not you had covid. what mattered is all babies born during the pandemic over the past couple of years, were born and had lower gross motor skills some some lower social skills than kids born earlier. what that re-emphasizes is it's