he went undrafted but signed as a free agent with the tampa bay bucks and participated in the rookie camp with the navy's permission but kinly requested to delay his service so he could live out his childhood dream of playing in the nfl but that request has been denied. kinly says he was also denied the chance to appeal and was not given a reason why. a policy directive allows for graduates pursuing a career in professional sports to delay their service if approved. kinly says he understands his service commitment but also deserves an opportunity to live out one of his lifelong dreams. the navy responding this morning saying every midshipman attends on the same terms and each has same responsibility to serve. exceptions to that commitment have been rightfully rare. in the nba no james harden, no problem for the nets in game two against the bucks. this game got ugly quick. the nets at one point led by 49 points, they would end up winning by 39.