couple used to buy an suv, a camper, two four-wheelers and other things. >> we took bad legal advice from people and it probably wasn't the best thing in the end. >> the bank error occurred when a customer in georgia made the deposit and the teller entered the wrong account number. on top of the felony charges, the williams also faced $7,000 in overdraft fees. billy bush returning to television three years after this controversy forced him off the air. >> when you're a star, they let you do it. you can do anything. >> do what you want. >> grab them by the pussy. you can do anything. >> it's still stunning, isn't it? billy bush making a debut monday as the new host of "extra." >> i've learned a few things during my time off or time-out. bad things happen to all of us. the ingredients of our disasters differ. but the shock to the system we share.