bureaucrats, the only thing they will consider is what they think is in the best interest of public health. >> duh. yeah, because that's their job. [ laughter ] >> it's right there in the title. come on, tom cotton. and listen to the congressional republicans. most of them doctors turning a discussion of the delta variant into, wait for it, democrat bashing. >> this is an evil virus. it's killed over 600,000 americans, millions worldwide and yet, speaker pelosi refuses to hold a hearing on how this started. >> every american has been negatively impacted in someway by the covid-19 virus. the question is, why are democrats stone walling our efforts to uncover the origin of the covid virus. >> how many of the democrats are willing to say whether or not they've been vaccinated. >> it our patriotic duty to care for other people but also our patriotic duty to understand we have individual rights in this country.