coming back to ukraine are from poland to try and defend the country. so i think there is nervousness here but also defiance and anger at what's happening. >> oren liebermann at the pentagon, new satellite images show dozens of vehicles that have moved across a pontoon bridge near ukraine/belarus border. what does this tell us about russia's plan of attack? >> reporter: well this is a pontoon bridge cnn has been watching over the course of the last ten days or so, on the belarusian border or near that border and taken down and put back up. now we see forces and now we see essentially i believe it's tanks that we see in that imagery or some sort of vehicles on the southern side. it means skpshand it's a strong indicator that the concern of the u.s. that's been stated, that russia will move on kyiv is playing out. a senior defense official said earlier today that russia was drawing closer to kyiv. that official wouldn't be

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