point, which is that ukraine is not going to become a colony of russia's. >> fareed, it's always a pleasure. thank you so much. >> my pleasure. rudy giuliani, eric trump, kimberley gillfoil. who's next in the committee's sights? plus everything we know about the willard hotel, the so-called war room, who was there, what they might have been up to. urance plan from unitedhealthcare. medicare supplement plans help by paying some of what medicare doesn't... and let you see any doctor. any specialist. anywhere in the u.s. who accepts medicare patients. so if you have this... consider adding this. call unitedhealthcare today for your free decision guide. ♪ hey hun hey, get your own vapors relax with vicks vapobath or with vicks vaposhower. take a soothing vicks vapo moment wherever you chose.