the second is it is nuts to just let a virus go loose. we don't know enough about this virus. it tells us every three or four months we don't know beans about it. just to let it loose is like letting your puppy loose into traffic. i mean, just don't do it because you have no clue. you have no control over the puppy. you have no control over the virus. you just don't do it. it is sort of a -- >> well, you talked about that. you talked about being a novel virus, why it is called a novel coronavirus, people with weakened immune systems. but i think the biggest point to not let it rip you said, furthermore since they have trouble clearing the virus, right, meaning people who get omicron, it may linger for months in their body possibly creating a hot house environment to promote new variants any of which might be the next variant of concern. so you just don't know. that is why it continues to replicate and continues to mutate because, you know, people just sort of let it rip. >> yes.