morning of the shooting, the next day, ethan crumbley's teacher came upon a sight that alarmed her she took a picture. the note contained the following. the drawing of a semiautomatic handgun pointed at the the words, quote, the thoughts won't stop, help me, end quote. and then a drawing of a bullet with the following words, quote, blood everywhere, end quote. between the drawing of the gun and the bullet is a drawing of a person who appears to have been shot twice and bleeding. below that figure is a drawing of a laughing emoji. further down of the drawing are the words, my life is useless and to the right of that are the words, quote, the world is dead, end quote. as a result, james and jennifer crumbley were immediately assembled to the school and a school counselor came to the classroom and removed the shooter and brought him to the office with his backpack. counselor obtained the drawing but the shooter had already altered it.