down this path and off to the left side according to the former attorney for the family. the thing about this location though is it isn't in the middle of nowhere. it has a ymca on one side and it is surrounded by homes. jelani day's body was found about a week afterward, just about a mile away off the bank of the illinois river east of the route 251 bridge. his body wouldn't be officially identified until nearly a month later. around when the body was found his walt was discovered about a mile and a half away from the vehicle, still half a mile from the vehicle with a lanyard and clothes found in separate locations as well according to the peru police department. his mother says none of it adds up and this wasn't an area he was familiar with. >> that he would come all the way -- >> that he would come all the way here. i mean there's plenty of bodies of water in bloomington. we're in peru, a town that jelani doesn't have any friends, no -- no ties to.