in an appropriate way. as i said i would like to see a little more speed with regard to the consideration of the things that are before -- before the senate in particular. >> well, i think that's what the question really is. if the democrats recognize where we are now. because this is certainly, you know, not the place where we were four years ago, not the place where we were 8 or 12 years ago when you were the attorney general. as you said haste is important but also a degree of urgency. there needs to be some sort of urgency if they want to get their agenda done, no? >> no, i think that's right. and i think that, you know, most democrats feel that sense of urgency. it's why you see so many in the house as well as the senate pushing for a consideration of a whole multitude of -- of legislation. and i think that you're going to see i hope in the next few weeks democrats coming together to pass budget bills. democrats coming together to push on the freedom to vote act which would, you know, protect