tape around the main building. do not cross. police line. do not cross. >> it was hard to know what was really happening at that point. i go down to the office, and there's two fbi agents sitting there. "you've stolen this from federal land, and we're coming here to seize this." >> i got a phone call from peter larson, because it wasn't just the fbi. it was personnel from south dakota tech. it was personnel from other federal agencies, and it was the national guard. >> the u.s. attorney at the time kevin schieffer, got reporters together in the federal building in rapid city and announced that the seizure was ongoing. >> the purpose of our action this morning is to preserve the scientific knowledge and integrity of these fossils. >> then, of course, the entire press corps hopped in their cars and we drove to hill city. >> they were supposed to take things related to sue, but they took everything. they went through all of our offices, all of our desks, all of our mail trays, taking mail opened, unopened. >> somebody called me and said