(burke) at farmers insurance, we've seen almost everything,! so we know how to cover almost anything. even a "three-ring fender bender." (clown 1) sorry about that... (clown 2) apologies. (clown 1) ...didn't mean it. (clown 3) whoops. (stilts) sorry! (clowns) we're sorry! (scary) hey, we're sorry! [man screams] [scary screams] (burke) quite the circus. but we covered it. at farmers, we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> announcer: live from los angeles, the "pbs news hour"/politico democratic debate continues. once again, judy woodruff.

Related Keywords

Everything ,Anything ,Clown 1 ,Farmers Insurance ,Apologies ,Clown 2 ,Burke ,Three Ring Fender Bender ,Three ,2 ,1 ,Thing ,Farmers ,Didn T ,Two ,Clowns ,Oman ,Circus ,Bum ,Stilts ,Clown 3 ,Pa Dum ,Scary Screams ,3 ,Debate ,Pbs News Hour ,Democrats ,Politico ,Announcer ,Judy Woodruff ,Los Angeles ,

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