>> police never charge duckett with the weldon murder, but they have said they'll pursue duckett for the crime if he is ever let off death row for the mcabee murder, a possibility beth wells is counting on. >> they're presently reviewing jim's case, and i'm 100% confident that when they evaluate this evidence, they'll say, you know what? we got it wrong. we have to give this guy a new trial. >> the hard evidence was tire tracks which can't be identified to his car. a pubic hair, nothing that he can even say the pubic hair belonged to james duckett. gwen, her truthfulness is in doubt. >> we've been doing this a long time. hopefully we won't be doing it much longer, you know. he'll be out and not needing an attorney. >> in the meantime, duckett's appeals had left teresa's mother in limbo. >> i just want justice for my daughter. that's what i want. 26 years. i'm tired. i don't think i'll ever have closure. because he is not going to admit it. >> these years looking back, i should have drove teresa home, walked her up to the door, i should have handed her over to them. absolutely.