on a regular basis for things white people do with impunity. >> mark, last word to you. he shot two white guys. it was white guys chasing him obviously just to keep the facts straight. go ahead. >> the criminal justice system is racially biased. no one denies that. it didn't show up in this trial that also infects or -- it's injected into the system. but having said that, this is really, chris, as you started, this is a self-defense statute that allows for actions like this to occur. and his previous lawyer or his recent lawyer just said the same thing, there may be too many guns on the street. and if the gun is the first response, um, then it's wrong. and it seemed, with both of the shooting events with rittenhouse, it was the first response to use an ar-15 and we have to get away from that. >> both of you, thank you very much. hard truths, but they need to be

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Mark Richards ,Things ,People ,Facts ,Guys ,Word ,Criminal Justice ,Impunity ,Basis ,Two ,Trial ,It Didn T ,Chris Cuomo ,Self Defense Statute ,No One ,System ,One ,Gun ,Thing ,Actions ,Lawyer ,Guns ,Response ,The Street ,Um ,Rittenhouse ,Ar 15 ,Both ,Events ,Hard Truths ,15 ,

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