get them all cleared. make it so that if this has to be done in two days or three days, we can do it. have the flights, the planes ready, all that. instead, it does feel like, understandable that the whole thing collapsed much faster than anyone expected and that itself is something we should talk about. but to have not made contingency plans for that and to not have -- the evacuation part is the most important thing. if he can still get that right, chris, if eventually he is -- he manages to get out, not just the americans, but the thousands, tens of thousands of afghans -- >> how do you do that? you know you have these guys on the ground now who are going to be hunting them. they say it's going to be gradual, the taliban commander, we've never seen that. they've been making encroachments for years as you pointed out earlier. i really believe that we have to discount the talk. yeah, we're going to try and get them out.