vindman, these are people who they don't care about democrat, republican or independent. >> you think seeing is believing? >> absolutely. it's compelling testimony. >> the last one, rudy giuliani. now, i'm not making any allegations, but the two people that he was paid by that he was undoubtedly working with and trying to find dirt for the president were guys under indictment right now. now we learn that one of them was getting a lot of money from a ukrainian big shot oligarch, which usually means you got connections to russia and we don't know why. the story with this guy firtash and parnas, who is under indictment for working with the guy with giuliani was paid for an interpreter interpreters get private jets, security, hundreds of thousands in cash. at the same time it goes to the giuliani and the fbi is taking a look at giuliani's money records, what does it mean to you? >> it means again -- i add this. you look at the president of the united states, who has instructed giuliani and others,