you're willing to go to court, you're willing to face off with the legal team that they put together, and i guarantee you, they spent millions of dollars on their legal team, you can win. so i'm very proud of my team. we proved to the judge, chris, that johnson & johnson was the cause of the epidemic. they were behind the stream of commerce from the start to the finish. their poppy farm in tasmania furnished 60% of the active pharmaceutical ingredient for the rest of the industry. they misrepresented their products. they misrepresented the industry's products. they mismarketed their products and the judge has held them responsible. we're going to be able to put almost $1 billion to this problem in oklahoma with the other two settlements. so we're happy with the verdict. obviously, we would have liked more, but we're very happy with the judge, again, finding that johnson & johnson was culpable for what's happened in oklahoma. >> ag, two big terms that came out of this. and then we'll get to the