something he perceived to be phony, something he was angry at, to become something he wasn't, to become somebody. >> former assistant district attorney kim hogrefe doesn't buy it for a minute. >> left the courthouse with no comment. >> if he was obsessed with anything, it was bringing attention to himself. he was narcissistic, he was grandiose, he wanted to bring attention to himself. the fact that john lennon was the victim here was simply because john lennon was available, publicly available, and others were not. he wasn't crazed. he wasn't obsessed. he wasn't entitled to the insanity defense. we felt he was criminally responsible, that he did not have a mental disease or defect, and that whatever his mental state was, it did not prevent him from knowing the nature of his conduct and that it was wrong. >> with the evidence at hand, a grand jury indictment is expected. >> on june 22nd, 1981, just over six months after the murder and the day his trial is set to begin, chapman changes his plea