there. >> he is claimed to have fallen in this hole and found this piece. i asked him to show it to me. you believe that what you found indicates that the ark came to rest on this mountain? >> yes. >> so will you take me there? >> no. >> i said my mother is dying, which is a lie. and if you show it to me, my mother would live in piece. >> why wouldn't he show it to you? >> you can tell your mother in all the world there's one person whose seen the noah's ark and the story is real. even if he's got a piece of wood, and even there's a sign that said noah built me, there is still not going to be evidence that god called noah to do this. we're not going to find some lost voice of god like some lost beatles song that we can digitally remaster and put on the internet. >> so instead, he believes people will continue to search for the ark and anything else from the bible stories that they might be able to see or touch or feel. >> there is this desire to