this is the reason why for health care workers it's so important that we preserve the ability of our hospitals to function but also transit and grocery stores coming into this holiday season and so many other essential workplaces may have a critical shortage of workers. so i do think that a test to return to policy is what should be implemented at this point. even after five days, if you test negative, why not be able to come back to work? by the way, we also should distinguish between isolation and quarantine. so isolation is if you test positive, you should be isolated. but right now if you're vaccinated and you're expoegszed to somebody with covid, you actually do not need to quarantine. you can still be going to work, and workplaces that have not changed their policies to reflect the cdc guidance should do so. if you're vaccinated and exposed but don't have covid, you can still be going to work as long as you're wearing a mask. >> i probably misspoke because i often mix up and interchange