against this man f.travis wanted to hurt him or commit aggravated assault or commit a false imprisonment he could have done it right then and there. he doesn't help. talks to him. mr. arbery looks him in the eye, doesn't say a word, doesn't have to, but that's information for travis. is it so offensive to pull up to somebody and said, hey, man, can you stock, hold on for a second, is that so offensive? so he stops. he starts to go back one way. travis backs up alongside of him three feet away. not pulling in front of him, not pulling behind him, just tries to talk to him hand mr. arbery takes off running down the street. travis watches him. there he goes. doesn't take a gun out, shoot him in the back. doesn't take a gun out and commit aggravated assault, donned take a gun and try to kill him, doesn't try to hit him