have that information and finally when president bush learned of the techniques he was uncomfortable with them. especially ones that included stress positions, forcing detainees to soil themselves and lots of other gruesome things that the president didn't know about until way after the fact. there's also reporting that vice president dick cheney, national security advisor condoleezza rice, they did know the details but they just kept the president out of the loop. they also kept rum rum, the secretary of defense and secretary of state colin powell out of the loop for over a year because they said, according to internal cia e-mails that powell would "blow his stack" if he knew about what was going on. >> that is an interesting, very interesting point. here's the thing, once the president was made aware, as you mentioned, he was uncomfortable. but did he do anything to actively change course? to make changes, to tell people know, this is not how we in america do things? >> in fact, quite the opposite. we know in september, 2006,