- this bat-shit crazy, vertical, mad max drag race come demolition derby is called rock bouncing. keep my neck from bouncing around too much? - yeah, and what they're actually designed for is major collisions, and it keeps your head from tearing off your body. - adam ringer is a native son, jack of many trades, and a man who's all too happy to spend the day trashing some hills just to show me a good time. - ♪ get me drinking that moonshine ♪ ♪ get me higher than the grocery bill ♪ ♪ lord it's a mighty hard living ♪ ♪ but a damn good feeling to run these roads ♪ ♪ ♪ - so that was pretty badass. - [laughing] yeah. ♪ ♪ [rock music] ♪ ♪ - all right, you got your frog legs, turtle patties. - eric williams is a hunter and trapper who caught most of this meal wading waist deep in the swamp on his property. - you ever ate snapping turtle? - oh, i'm definite--