and everyone was gonna go apeshit for whatever it is that i served, and i learned. as serendipity would have it, i met john. asked if i'd be interested in going for a walk in braddock. came out to braddock. fell in love. - with braddock, not me. - with braddock. [laughter] you know, it reminded me of mckees rocks, and mckees rocks, you know, has suffered much in the same way as braddock has. - kevin says he has ambitions that go beyond turning a profit. his restaurant hopes to provide tuition-free training, and they're partnering with a local urban farm that employs high school students to grow produce in the shadows of the old steel mill. and though we are talking a swank, high-end restaurant designed to attract the monied classes from out of town, locals will be offered steeply discounted meals. - so this is beautiful, grass-fed beef short ribs sitting on a bed of lightly blanched milkweed buds. on top, a bunch of over-wintered sun choke chips.