following day municipal workers will come and pick them all up and take them. look, another "no war" sign here. another picture of boris nemtsov here as well. he was a leading opposition politician, a problem for the kremlin when he was shot and killed. and for the first time so far since the invasion of ukraine began, the ministry of defense here in russia admitting that some of their soldiers have been killed and some of them wounded. but these end to the war protests, they're continuing. they're going on. so many people here opposed to the war. not everyone. a lot of people still support president putin. but many, many are coming out to say they don't. nic robertson, cnn, moscow. >> i'm michael holmes live in lviv, ukraine. i will be back at the top of the hour. anna coren, though, picks up on the roast telephone day's news after this quick break. i'll see you in a bit.