thinking it's beautiful, to thinking they don't need a wall, to thinking i'm actually going to write a letter saying that we don't need a wall. >> anthony: has anyone ever bothered -- i mean, are there like security gun boats coming up and down this river? [ light laughter ] >> charlie: i think the border patrol technically does have a hovercraft that they've used once and it's just horrible. >> woman: the park service does too. >> charlie: yeah. >> woman: they have helicopters. >> charlie: for the record, i don't understand why mexico is made to be such an issue. i mean, it's the second biggest trade partner outside from china. >> anthony: yeah. what about the canadians? they're actually pouring across our borders and stealing our jobs. >> charlie: they are taking our jobs. >> anthony: find a non-canadian comedian. >> charlie: how many canadians play hockey in the united states for u.s. teams? >> anthony: those are high-paying jobs that americans -- they're stealing our jobs. >> man 2: i mean, there are so many avenues that that conversation can go to where violence comes from, where dangers come from. >> woman 2: well, even our small towns here. i mean, crazy stuff happens everywhere. >> charlie: the world is made a better place by little bits at a time. you can't just jam through a wall one year and say it's fixed. >> anthony: you know, i've been to a few places where they do have a wall. few things are uglier in the entire world of all of the places that i've seen -- few things have been more of an indication than an utter failure of otherwise smart people to