protect fuen sanchez from any attacks by feral cave-dwelling hippies who might attempt to sell her jewelry or other things of little value?" [ zack laughs ] >> fuen: that's actually a very bold vow. >> anthony: i figure now that zack is marrying into a spanish family, i can piggy-back along for a bit, suck up a little of the magic, live a little bit of what has often been my dream, too. >> zack: but if we can get weird for a second here, man. >> anthony: uh-oh. >> fuen: oh, boy. >> zack: some places, do they have an energy, man, about them? >> anthony: what are you saying, man? >> zack: i, you know, i don't want to get into metaphysics or, uh -- some places we go -- >> anthony: you're going to be living up in a -- cave, you keep talking like this, huh? [ zack laughs ] >> anthony: more wine. [ laughter ] >> anthony: to see spain, to see it straight, to understand it at all, you should probably peek, if only through spread fingers, at that most spanish of