good korean kids grow up to be doctors, lawyers, or engineers, v goes the story. there are expectations. but what if you're a bad korean? what if you were korean american and you just didn't give a -- ? what if you looked around, asked yourself, "who am i? who am i supposed to be? where do i fit in society?" and were unsatisfied with the answers you were getting? what if you were an insanely talented artist and a small startup company called facebook asked you to do some murals in their offices, and they paid you in stock, and you became ridiculously wealthy and you still didn't give a --? well, then, you might be david cho. >> david: hi. i'm dave cho. [ drumming ] be like me. >> anthony: is that an ak piñata? >> david: that is an ak-47 piñata. >> anthony: wow. >> david: so, i mean, this place is in downtown l.a., so i try to have as many weapons, like, hidden throughout. i got ninja swords and ninja stars and stuff. >> anthony: you need -- you need a puppy, man. [ laughter ] >> anthony: you need a puppy. >> david: i do need a puppy. [ laughter ] i'm going to paint you today. is that cool? >> anthony: yeah, sure. >> david: all right, so, just sit. >> anthony: sit? >> david: right there. and -- sorry. don't usually paint this early in the morning.