coming back and through relatives are buying property. >> obviously somebody has touched this building with some kind of investment. it's renovated. it seems to be like a hotel. somebody bought the building and turned it into a little hotel. >> however you feel about the government, however you feel about the last 55 years, there aren't any places in the world that look like this. it's utterly enchanting. >> it's very seductive. >> there is no doubt in my mind that somewhere in the opposite of the four seasons hotel chain they're looking at the seafront thinking one of these days, you know? cruise ships. what happens then? >> well, look -- >> is this an inevitable march of progress? am i being a snob? >> no, no, you're being very realistic. that's the concern of most cubans. i wouldn't mind seeing one or two starbucks along havana. i'm hoping we're not going back to 1958 with the majority of cuban companies are owned by american corporations. >> right. i have to believe that cuba will research some of the value that represents, you know, the hearts and souls of the cuban people. >> last time i was in havana, a meal would have been rice and