>> conservative white guys. you didn't get them excited about voting. don't energize your community. you have a whole community. >> it is the opposite of get out the vote program. it is don't bother to vote. >> don't bother to vote. african-americans voted at 20%. if we would have voted at 50%, charlotte gris would have won the governor's race. >> right. you were selling miami to somebody, what's the best thing about miami? >> best weather. >> how do you handle the cold if you have to tour or something and you have to spin a week or two weeks in detroit or chicago or something? >> my mindset is i don't have to deal with this every day. i'm going back to sunshine. when i have that on my mind, i can go into any city. i can go into a blizzard. i know i'm going out. y'all stay. >> this is really good. back inland, another world of flavors. little haiti. just in case miami didn't have enough tasty stuff from