an extraordinarily horrific situation there. jeff beatty, you had a comment? >> i wanted to follow up on something that the mayor said. about the public and something you said about the public. what we as americans need to understand is the war on terror -- i know we don't say that term necessarily -- but our conflict with terror is like dealing with crime. you can declare a war on crime, war on drugs, whatever, and you're going to make great progress. you may never totally eradicate it. that's something we need to get into our national psyche. this won't be the last time that something like this happens here. we have to just understand that it will be a part of life from time to time. but we're going to get better, as you said, with every incident. we're going to look at what we did right, what we did wrong, what we need to improve. we have to have the mindset that we're going to improve. but as we did after 9/11 and the people of boston did, we have to be able to stand strong and say you're never going to defeat us. and that's just something that i think our public is capable of doing. i think they showed it here. >> keep calm and carry on, as