this particular case, since the lower courts essentially decided that trump's arguments were just too weak to assert privilege even if he had been sitting president, that means that trump cannot block his records. so this is, as you mentioned, a significant win for the committee. it now means that they will receive and review 700-plus documents. anderson, this includes a plethora of documents, call logs, visitor logs from the white house on january 6th, a record of trump's movements and meetings that day. plus, some key records from chief of staff mark meadows. press secretary kayleigh mcenany. that includes talking points and draft speeches. so the committee here will suddenly have a lot more information about trump's actions and state of mind that day, anderson. something that they have been trying to understand more about. >> yeah. we'll see what is actually in those documents i guess at some point. jessica schneider, appreciate it. thanks very much. perspective now from cnn political analyst and "new york times" washington correspondent, maggie haberman. also, cnn chief legal analyst jeffrey toobin. jeff, how significant is this? we don't really know the

Related Keywords

Hillary Clinton ,January 6th Committee ,Case ,Trump ,Courts ,Privilege ,Win ,His Records ,Cannot Block ,Arguments ,Anderson ,White House ,Documents ,Evaluations ,January 6th ,Records ,Movements ,Call Logs ,Visitor ,Plethora ,Meetings ,Plus ,6 ,700 ,Something ,Information ,Points ,Mark Meadows ,State Of Mind ,Kayleigh Mcenany ,Actions ,Draft Speeches ,Cnn ,Point ,Perspective ,Thanks ,Maggie Haberman ,Jeffrey Toobin ,Jeff ,Jessica Schneider ,Analyst ,New York Times ,Washington ,Correspondent ,

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