isis demanded her release when they captured jim foley and ultimately murdered him. they sent a note to the foley family demanding his release when u.s. army soldier bowe bergdahl was taken by the taliban. the taliban also demanded his release. i think it's partly because she's a sister, a woman, she's a mother of three -- >> you mean the taliban demanded her release. >> yeah, yeah, sorry, they demanded siddiqui's release. so, i think they're -- it's -- she's just been a cause celebre for these jihadists for a long time. so i think this is not the first time that somebody with really no relationship to her -- he wasn't a brother. he was a sister in islam that he was trying to release and it is a common narrative. and by the way, in her native pakistan when she was sentenced to 86 years, thousands of people poured into the streets to protest what they see as unjust detention, even though a court of law clearly thought that she