to provide protection against hospitalization and death for otherwise healthy adults past six months. but as we are seeing more breakthrough cases, those cases are -- are a part of why we're seeing continued transmission in communities. and so, it is important for adults to -- to get their questions answered and consider getting those boosters. >> sanjay, the -- the guardian newspaper is reporting that former-trump white house chief of staff mark meadows says in an unreleased book that the former president tested positive for covid just three days before his first debate with then-candidate joe biden. i mean, that information was obviously not revealed to the public or to the biden campaign at the time. in fact, you know, the former president still denying that it -- it -- you know, that he tested positive. was this a dereliction of duty by the white house physician, at the very least, sean conley? i mean, is there an obligation? the president was meeting with gold star families. he went to the debate with --