"world war c: lessons from the covid-19 pandemic and how to prepare for the next one." it goes on sale tomorrow. i loved "world war z." totally different book. similar title. "world war c" i'm looking forward to. do you agree with dr. fauci about the holidays? how are you approaching the next few months in terms of celebrating covid? >> i am looking forward to them, anderson. we are seeing some trend lines that are going down. and we should separate that good news with the caveat that you mentioned. you may have sort of these surges a little bit here and there, but i don't think like what we've already seen. i am planning on spending time with my family and even some friends as well. so i think that's part of the luxury of having the immunity, you know, that now gives us this really good protection. but let me show you something that i think is important. i looked at the two previous pandemics. fall and winter always worry some because that's when respiratory viruses like to spread. in 2009 around this time of year back then, this is when you had