i am. we need that stuff. you can't see, can't hear, can't eat. that's a practical thing. people become liberal when it's practical. >> that's where you see them taking this, in terms of the midterm? >> i do. and i did hear that, i can still hear. i do. the one thing i would add to this, is the other piece of this, this is paid for. it's paid for by something very popular. the rich have gotten away with everything. during the pandemic, the billionaires have flourished, while the rest of the people have suffered. when you add that in, we're shifting the burden to where it belongs, while providing service to the people that need it, that's a powerful combination. >> thanks, have a good weekend. both seem like spring chickens to me. up next, breaking news. the u.s. covid -- there's good news on covid today, should point out. the u.s. covid death toll