desperate to maintain the right to choose to not get tested? does he want to protect workerability to walk on the job with a serious case of covid? and then, there is what abbott called, quote, an assault on private businesses. something florida's governor, ron desantis, picked up on, too. today, he said the president was having a, quote, hissy fit and that people might lose their jobs. again, a bit hypocritical for both men. they're all huffy about president biden telling businesses what they can and can't do on vaccines when they have literally told businesses what they can and can't do on vaccines. the cruise-ship industry wanted to require vaccinations and abbott and desantis said no. oh, and the order from desantis which was shut down by a judge last month would have included a fine just like biden's. again, this is not what they say it is. at the time, desantis framed his order banning vaccine passports using similar language as abbott used yesterday. desantis said he was protecting a personal choice. he also recently said this about