personnel. the state department was trying to underscore this is not an evacuation. the embassy is remaining open. this is about enduring partnership still with afghanistan, but on the ground, people see this as an evacuation and as such, it's really contributing to this growing sense of panic as the situation deteriorates. >> my understanding is there's about, and correct me if i'm wrong, about 3 or 4,000 people who work at the american embassy in kabul. how many of those are americans? how many are afghans and would the afghans be evacuated as well? >> well, that's the million dollar question and it's a question that was being hedged a lot. they weren't giving any sense of the numbers and beyond the people working in the embassy, anderson, there's also the tens of thousands of people who have worked with the embassy in some capacity. who have worked with the u.s. military in some capacity. the scores of translators, logistics operators.