positive. this notion of, you know, governors stepping in and -- and -- and not allowing schools to make the decisions about whether or not children should mask in -- in local communities. it seems like that's based on the old idea, from the early on in the pandemic, that this didn't affect children. that children weren't really susceptible to covid. with the delta variant, we've seen, now, more children becoming infected. more children dying. and there's a lot we just don't know about this virus, in children, long-term. >> yeah. you know, anderson, i think it's really important that we -- we do show a lot of humility here, in terms of what we know and what we don't know. sanjay laid out the impact, so far. and when you have a virus, like the delta variant, that is raging across communities, so rapidly. that's so much more contagious. even if it were less severe, and