as we gain more, we can act with greater assurance what it is we should do as a municipality and to take care of our individual families. >> some of the decisions on evacuations for the state are difficult because of the uncertainty around this storm. do you have any plans to evacuate the island section of daytona beach? >> well, right now, our police and i will join them on tomorrow are out sharing with residents on those islands and encouraging them that if such evacuation mandate comes forward to heed the warning and to accept it so at this time, of course, we do not know as i said earlier. we have to wait for greater clarity and at that time we'll get out and try to encourage residents to take advice. >> so mayor, as of now, the hospitals in your area are planning to stay open. is there any feeling that could change with the emergency services? will they be responding to calls during the storm? >> the plan is never to respond