how far the men's bathroom was. that is one of the complaints when they wrote up these so-called new rules for the the bait guide. bottom line is, a leading presidential candidate, a grownup should not be talking about women's bathroom behavior before a campaign. it was -- that was degrading. that was vulgar. and the words he used, poor choice of words. >> jeffrey i want to read a quote from the republican party autopsy that came out after the 2012 election. again, this is a quote directly from party officials. it says women are the majority of voters. our inability to win their votes is losing us elections. that's a quote from the rnc's so-called autopsy. so, how is donald trump helping the republican party with women? >> well, according to the lady i heard from today, he's helping a great deal. because he identifies with the average man and woman blue collar america out there. you know, i find it very interesting that back in american history harry truman,